Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My life is a circus

Where do I start? Everyday my office is a constant in and out of random people. We have women coming in to show off their new hairdo or their new boots, you name it. Men come in to flirt with our Secretaries and offer to have them sit on their lap. At least 4-5 times a day women walk in offering me their sons.........yes I mean they want me to be their daughter in law, and they are very blunt about it. So far these men/boys have ranged in ages from 20-35. Looks like I have options!

Several people come in everyday in order to give one of our secretaries a massage.....One would think she has serious medical problems. The women in my office do nothing more then make coffee and tea, talk on their phone and gossip about other people in the building. One man comes in yelling "Hey America, Kak Ci - How are you? This is now his official entrance. One woman from the Information office has been telling me she wants me to speak english with her daughter. Just the other day she brings her in. Rather then just meet her and talk for a minute or two she drops her off and says "Here, you two talk for a while and I'll be back later to pick her up." Hahah, I've become a babysitting service for kids wanting to improve their english skills. As if this wasnt enough to keep me entertained, I have befriended a man in the Municipality who likes to SKYPE me while at work, constantly. He sends constant messages (mainly Emicons) all day long. Just today I walked into my office to see that he had left me a message last night that read : (Hi Cynty, send me please this your photo. i am alone............without may be in home........) Hmmmmm. What do you say to that?

I just recently found out that my counterpart is being fired wrongfully by the mayor in my municipality. What does this mean?............I may or may not have a new counterpart in the municipality, I may be moved to a new organization in Karlovo or I can be moved to another town. In addition to this I am still waiting for an apartment after 3 months. The Muni I work for has been claiming the entire time that they will have my apartment ready at least 2 dozen times over this period. At this point nothing has been done on any of the apartments they have suggested. Nothing!

On Saturday I will be flying to Thailand for an operation. Why Thailand? This is what I keep hearing. Apparently flying a volunteer half way around the world is protocol for Peace Corps. The journey should be interesting. I'm going though London first......take a look at a map and see if that makes sense to you. I should only be in Thailand for 10 days and then I will return to work. What will be going on here when I get back........that's another question. The director of my PC COD will be coming personally at the end of the month to discuss with my Muni my future in this org or lack there of.

I have joined a Bulgarian Folk dancing group. I was very excited / anxious on Monday for my first lesson. I show up in full dance attire to a table of people in Jeans and sweaters. The dance team is celebrating the name day of our dance instructor. So no dance class. I was waved over and sat right next to the instructor. I look around in confusion why no one had bags with dance clothes. About an hour into the party I ask the woman to my right when we would be dancing.....she responds with "Wednesday." This is about the time she realizes that I am dressed to dance. She asked me why I was dressed this way......I quickly responded with " I will be going for a run this evening" so as to save face. This would have been a fine answer except that our town had been covered in ice.

To many of you this may seem like a crazy lifestyle I find myself in.........Nope this is normal Peace Corps life. Loving every minute of it.

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